07811 334806 ian@thecortroom.com

Be ready to react

Situations can change in moments. Being prepared and having the right tools for the task is crucial.

️ We’ve had some crazy weather in South Manchester already in 2025 from floods to snow. After scraping a little bit of frost off my car this morning (an evil non electric 4×4) we had 1.5″ of snow dump in about 15 minutes which caused chaos on the roads. ️

So many people were driving about with their entire car still covered in snow with a tiny hole to peer through, driving at inappropriate speeds on summer tyres… mostly into curbs and off the road.

In the world of product, it’s critical to know the “road conditions” you’re travelling on, having the right tools to do the job (skills, people, attitude), and most importantly have a clear view not only forward, but sideways and backwards too.